In 2024 I visited Bornholm as a participant of the „Baltic Sea Art Project“ and met Ben Woodhamn. Ben had made two „Around-the-year-Projects“ on Bornholm and I got very inspired to copy this idea, which I was not only allowed to, but also encouraged to do so. After careful consideration, I adapted the framework of the project to the given conditions of my island, Öland:

Every week I visit a new place on Öland, painting PleinAir with watercolors. To find an interesting motif I drive by car and – if possible – I switch to the bike to may use smaler paths. At the end of the year I should have done 52 paintings in 52 weeks and by that I will have rounded the complete island. After that all paintings will be framed and shown in an exhibition. The paintings will be for sale then.

In October 2024 I started with the first picture at the Färjestaden harbour, south of the bridge to Öland. I plan to do the last painting in the end of september, just north of the bridge to Öland.

If you would follow this project you can read my weekly blogg on Substack. It is free to subscribe and of course it is easy to unsubscribe anytime. You will get an email once a week with pictures (including the newest painting) and a little story about the historie of the place, some obsticales I faced or my thoughts about the motif. Of course I will inform in time about the upcoming exhibition too.